Friday, October 24, 2008

Candycorn anyone?

Dear Husband,

OK, I admit it. It was me last night eating candy corn in bed at 3am.

I couldn't help myself.

It was calling to me from the counter when I got up to pee for the second time.

I would have just eaten it in the kitchen, but I was holding sleeping baby girl and didn't want her to wake up (the joys of co-sleeping). So I crawled into bed with a handful of candy corn. At least it was a quiet food and I didn't wake everyone up with my munching.

But yeah, OK, there may be a little orange stain on the bed from when I fell asleep in the middle of my snack. And maybe a few stray candy corns under my pillow. At least it wasn't chocolate pudding I was sneaking in bed.

I know, I know, I am a big freak about not eating in bed and have forbidden you to ever do so. But you should know by now that the "no eating in bed" rules change for pregnant women. I'm exempt from this rule for the next 7 or so months. You however, are still forbidden from eating in bed. I just don't like the idea of sleeping in someone else's crumbs.

Thanks for understanding :)


jen said...

i despise candy corn.
but for some reason, i love it this year. go figure.


i had to go back...what?? pregnant?? next 7 months or so??...i don't know how i missed that post...yippee!

so excited for you!

Rachel said...

Too as I say not as I do...LOVE IT!

LazyCrazyMama said...

@ Jen: Thank You!! :) Yes, I exaggerate slightly by saying 7 mos :) I'm just almost 5 weeks! :)

Melissa said...

You go girl!!! Use that pregnancy card all you want!! Oh and I LOVE candy corn too.

Sandra said...

My marriage vows went like this...

I can do whatever I want...
You can do whatever I say...

Good. Where's the ring?

Merrie said...

LOL Our problem is our kids. My son keeps sneaking things to snack on, and just last night, for instance, we found Ritz cracker crumbs all over our sheets. DOH!

April said...

I believe pregnant woman can do and have ANYTHING they want. I told Hubby if he didn't like it, then he can get pregnant. I'm so happy for you. I def. don't want anymore (you must be an angel to want more) but I do miss the excitement of being newly pregnant and having a new baby. Nothing compares to that feeling.

Anonymous said...

I eat in bed all the time. It is like a weird comfort thing to me.

Mommy In Pink said...

LOL! I never liked candy corn...but I am obsessed with butterfingers at Halloween for some reason??

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