This baby has a serious sweet tooth. So guess what I get to do? Go sit in the Dr's office for 3 hours doing the glucose tolerance test. Can you tell how excited I am??
I guess I have no one to blame but myself. I have been bad. Very, very bad.
One thing a pregnant woman has very little control over (aside from her bladder!) is her appetite ;) My willpower is completely weak when it comes to food. Especially sweets with this pregnancy.
The funny thing is that a couple of weeks ago, I decided that I needed to get some healthy snacks for during the day. It seemed that I was snacking on cookies and anything else sweet I could get my hands on. I picked up some carrots and celery. And I've been doing better during the day. But its those middle of the nigh potty breaks... I wake up having to pee and starving. So I've been eating M&M's, cookies, Kit Kats, Easter candy... at midnight, 1:30am, 3am, 4:30am...
Any suggestions for healthy middle of the night snacks that wont wake up the house? That's the thing, those sweets are so easy to grab without any commotion. If I made some toast or something I would certainly wake my husband up...
What really sucks about this whole sweet tooth thing is that years ago I weighed almost 200 lbs! I had a natural sweet tooth back then. I gained the most weight while I was in college. It was so easy to eat a bag of tootsie rolls and oreos while studying... But then my first marriage ended up falling apart the week before finals during my first year of my MA program... As soon as school ended I decided that I needed to concentrate on myself and start eating healthy. I did a great job! I basically cut out as much sugar as humanly possible (its amazing what foods have added sugar!). I started eating tons of dairy: yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, etc... and the pounds just flew off. Seriously, I was losing about 10 lbs every week or two. By just cutting out the sugar, I lost 70lbs within a few short months. I was down to a size 5 for the first time in my life. I was wearing a size 12 in Jr. High...
Then I got pregnant for the first time. I had a little sweet tooth that time (nothing compared to this time!). I limited myself as best I could though. I still had that habit of avoiding sugar. I ended up gaining about 60lbs with that pregnancy! And then really only lost about 30lbs by the time I got pregnant with baby girl. Luckily, I didn't gain much weight with her and just a few weeks after her birth I was back to where I was before I got pregnant with her.
So this time? I've been gaining lots of weight and eating tons of sugar!!! So I guess I shouldn't be surprised that I didn't pass the 1 hour glucose test... If I would have been smarter, I would have eased back on the sugar the week before the test. But just try to tell a pregnant lady that she can't have those cookies! ;)
I just really hope that I don't have gestational diabetes! Since I got the call from the Dr's office, I went out and got diet pop and have only slipped up once... last night one of the times I got up to pee I just couldn't help myself. I was starving!! And I didn't eat as much candy as I usually do... I only grabbed 2 mini Kit-Kats instead of my usual 3...
So in I go tomorrow to sit and have blood drawn for 3 hours!! Yuck! The awful thing is that I have to fast for 8 hours prior, and then can't eat anything until the test is over!! If I don't eat by 8:30, 9am at the very latest I get all vomity. Its going to be a rough morning.
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
I love your blog name! I saw a comment somewhere and I came over to say hi because it is just so cute! Congratulations on your pregnancy! Sadly, I love all sweet things as well and I can't even blame it on being pregnant! I hope your test goes really well tomorrow!
How about yogurt covered raisins? Trail mix-like the kind with random m&m's thrown in? strawberries with sugar?
To avoid sugar I go with salty...probably just as bad for you lol. But try having some nuts or trail mix close by like Yaya suggested.
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