I really wanted to post something today. But my mind is drawing such a blank. Ever been so tired your brain just doesn't want to function? I so hate that. I think that's what "pregnant brain" is all about. Its not about your brain misfiring and getting stupid for no reason (or because of hormones or something) - its because you are so damn tired that you can't think straight! And the nausea. I feel like telling everyone "could you please just not talk to me while I'm concentrating on not throwing up!" ;)
And by the way, you all had great ideas for things to munch on that may help with the nausea! Thank you all sooo much. Of course I won't be trying any of the medication suggestions - I am a total freak about medication. I just don't like taking any. I will only take a tylenol if my head is on the brink of a major explosion. Now that I think about it, I have been popping tums a few times a day - but that hardly counts right? And of course I take my prenatal vitamins everyday (have been almost consistently since 2005 since I've been either pregnant, nursing or trying to get pregnant).
Anyway, my house has been sorely neglected lately. Between doing double bloggy duty, double diaper duty (I will get the little man potty trained someday! Hopefully before this baby comes), and having to go to the store and dr's appointments etc... Days like this: where my counter is overwhelmed with dishes and my dirty clothes hamper is spilling out all over the bathroom floor and I've had clothes soaking for a few days that really need to get washed, and my carpet is starting to get hairy, and my kitchen floor is starting to look a different color... Oh I really wish we could afford a housekeeper. Do I love to dream or what? We are so far away from ever being able to afford that luxury. But if we had the money I would so do it in a heartbeat.
A while ago, on the community notice board at the gas station, I saw a advertisement for 2 girls looking for work - they would come help you clean or do yardwork or whatever you needed help with for a mere $8 an hour! I'm sure it was teenagers who have no idea how valuable such work would be ;) I wrote down the number... but never called it. I just need to get off my lazy ass and do the work. It would be so much easier if I could just keep it up and keep it under control. But of course that is so much easier to say than to do. And one of the things that prevents that from happening? My husband. He thinks that I should be able to do everything during the day while he is gone. He has no tolerance for me doing the dishes and such in the evenings. Which to me is completely ridiculious! It would be the best time for me to get those things done, when I have 2 other people around who can help keep an eye on the two little ones. But just try to reason with insanity... ;)
Especially since my two little ones are still at the ages where they need constant supervision. Its hard enough to leave the room to go to the bathroom... let alone do the dishes or laundry. I should just do all the housework while they are napping, but that's when I get all selfish. Naptime is my time. That's when I get to shower and do bloggy stuff and other stuff for myself uninterrupted. I so hate to give up any of that time for dishes and other awful household chores ;)
I suppose that's enough brain melt for today ;) Now I'm off to do those horrid dishes so I have a pot for dinner! And some forks to eat it with... :(
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
Well shit, I'm not pregnant and my house is a disaster and I'd rather do anything than the laundry or the dishes
just drive the 40 miles to eat out and then you don't have to do the dishes...but then they will be there the next day...got a dishwasher by chance?
I feel like that right now and I'm not pregnant. The only laundry I did today was pillows and sheets because the cat peed on them. WORST.SMELL.EVER. Also, I was the same way about meds when I was pregnant but took the pills for nausea because 1, my OBGYN perscribed them (I trust him 100%) and 2, I was loosing weight because I could not eat. Good luck with everything! Your in my prayers daily.
Oh I remember those days...
This too shall pass... then you will be wanting these days back.
Hey - I heard this from a friend dealing with nausea, she keeps amonia wipes in her purse and smells it (inhales, sniffs, not sure what verb to put here ;-). She says it works really well.
Cute Blog! I have 4 kids too, and my last pregnancy KICK my butt! GOod Luck!
oh man...i'm suffering from pregnant brain BAD! i forget crap all the time & my house goes messy for days. i hate it actually & feel so bad at the end of my day. but here i am again, surrounded by my mess...i need to go clean.
I definitely don't miss the nausea with pregnancy...I had it really bad for months and months. I was miserable! I feel your pain...hope you feel better soon!
I'm tired just reading this. You make me need a vacation.
Pregnancy nausea is the WORST. Hate it and had it for 17 weeks with my last baby. *shudder*
I hope you start feeling better soon!
Tagged you!
That's what every momma experience during pregnancy. It helps if you could relieve nausea. In my experience it's the culprit of my miserable pregnancy days. Find an effective morning sickness remedy so you could enjoy pregnancy like it should be.
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